International Coffee Tasting
International Coffee Tasting

International Coffee Tasting

Terza Ed. 2010 Brescia 26-27 ottobre sarà presente anche il Caffè Campetelli!! L’International Coffee Tasting è il primo e unico concorso internazionale dedicato al caffè in tutte le sue preparazioni e in cui i caffè sono assaggiati con le regole scientifiche dell’analisi sensoriale.E’ organizzato dall’Istituto Internazionale Assaggiatori Caffè e valuterà solo i migliori prodotti e le migliori varietà presentate. La nostra azienda ha partecipato alla seconda edizione nel 2008 attestandosi tra le prime 20 torrefazioni per qualità e lavorazione del caffè, su 130 partecipanti provenienti da tutto il mondo. L’obiettivo di International Coffee Tasting resta dunque quello di promuovere una competizione tra caffè di tutto il mondo in modo da mettere in risalto il livello edonico offerto dal prodotto proveniente da zone particolarmente vocate, coltivato con cura, lavorato con competenza, selezionato con perizia, tostato con sapienza e, nel caso, miscelato con arte e maestria. Mettere quindi in evidenza le produzioni di pregio indicando ai consumatori i migliori prodotti esistenti sul mercato. E in questo modo stimolare i produttori a perseguire la qualità nella sua accezione più moderna: quella della soddisfazione del consumatore. Anche quest’anno siamo stati selezionati a dimostrazione della qualità delle nostre miscele.

Third Ed Brescia 26 to 27 October 2010 will also feature the Coffee Campetelli! The International Coffee Tasting is the first and only international competition dedicated to coffee in all its preparations and in which the coffee is tasted with the rules of scientific analysis sensoriale.Organized by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters and evaluate only the best products and the best varieties presented. Our company has participated in the second edition in 2008, reaching the top 20 for quality roasters and coffee processing, with 130 participants from all over the world. The objective of the International Coffee Tasting is therefore to promote a competition between coffee from around the world in order to emphasize the hedonic level offered by a product from viticultural areas, cultivated with care, worked with skill, expertly selected, Toast with wisdom and, if necessary, mixed with art and skill. Then put in evidence the production of merit indicating to consumers the best products on the market. And in this way stimulate producers to pursue quality in its most modern: the satisfaction of the consumer. Also this year we have been selected to demonstrate the quality of our blends.

International Coffee Tasting

Third Ed. 2010 Brescia October 26-27 Campetelli Coffee will also be present!!! The International Coffee Tasting is the first and only international competition dedicated to coffee in all its preparations and in which coffees are tasted using the scientific rules of sensory analysis.It is organized by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters and will evaluate only the best products and varieties presented. Our company participated in the second edition in 2008 ranking among the top 20 roasters in terms of coffee quality and processing, out of 130 participants from all over the world. The objective of International Coffee Tasting therefore remains to promote a competition between coffees from all over the world so as to highlight the hedonic level offered by the product coming from particularly vocated areas, cultivated with care, processed with skill, selected with expertise, roasted with knowledge and, in the case, blended with art and mastery. Thus highlighting fine productions by pointing consumers to the best products on the market. And in this way stimulate producers to pursue quality in its most modern sense: that of consumer satisfaction. Once again this year we were selected to demonstrate the quality of our blends.

Third Ed Brescia October 26 to 27, 2010 will also feature the Coffee Campetelli! The International Coffee Tasting is the first and only international competition dedicated to coffee in all its preparations and in which the coffee is tasted with the rules of scientific sensory analysis.Organized by the International Institute of Coffee Tasters and evaluate only the best products and the best varieties presented. Our company has participated in the second edition in 2008, reaching the top 20 for quality roasters and coffee processing, with 130 participants from all over the world. The objective of the International Coffee Tasting is therefore to promote a competition between coffee from around the world in order to emphasize the hedonic level offered by a product from viticultural areas, cultivated with care, worked with skill, expertly selected, Toast with wisdom and, if necessary, mixed with art and skill. Then put in evidence the production of merit indicating to consumers the best products on the market. And in this way stimulate producers to pursue quality in its most modern: the satisfaction of the consumer. Also this year we have been selected to demonstrate the quality of our blends.